Thank you, for the pod-bathroom-use explanation!

It might come in handy next time I visit Paris!! Dad and I had a good time reading your post!

You do provide fun entertainment!

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Haha, no problem, Mum! Glad this might be of use to you in the future. :D The bathroom pod was a bit of a process to figure out, but I for sure appreciate how much cleaner it was than other public bathrooms I've visited while traveling!

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Coucou Ingrid et Duncan

Je vois que vous avez commencé à détailler votre fabuleux périple en Europe ... J'ai hâte de lire la suite de votre aventure ... à très vite ... Jocelyne TF

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Coucou, Tatie! Ah, super!! J'ai hate d'ecrire tout ce que je me souviens de notre aventure!! Que c'etait un beau voyage plein plein plein de souvenirs! <3 Bisous!!

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Did y'all actually see the goats that you weren't supposed to feed? Personally, I think if I saw a goat in the middle of Paris, it deserves a baguette. I also hope it would be wearing a beret. Maybe I watched too many cartoons as a child?

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Neal, we looked for them, we really did. I was so hoping to see even one making its merry way around the Tuileries gardens... Alas, no such luck this time around. Next time you're there, definitely keep an eye out, haha. I think any respectable goat would appreciate a baguette. :D

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